
Dr. Pao-Hwa, Chen 

Attending Physician, Department of UrologyChanghua Christian Hospital

Speaker's Biography:

Dr. Pao-Hwa Chen is the attending doctor of the Division of Urology, Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH). He has experience in all aspects of adult urology care, especially in minimally invasive surgery, including endoscopic and robotic surgery, and has a specific interest in treating stones in the urinary tract and urologic cancers.

From residency to fellowship and being the attending doctor, he is one of the outstanding doctors from the training system of CCH. And he also has been to the Connie Frank Kidney Transplant Center at UCLA and Stanford Health Care for further fellowship training. He has also collaborated with multiple subspecialists and has published many facets of kidney stone management and urologic oncology.


Surgical Complications for Stone Disease

Abstract :

There are complications associated with ANY procedure. In urolithiasis complications, it can be self-resolving post-OP fever to severe complications requiring ICU support and even death. In this talk, I will share some common complications associated with urolithiasis treatment. We will look over the typical complications and how we deal with the prevention and treatment of these complications.

The outlines will include

1. Infectious complications

2. Surgical complications

3. How to avoid the complications?

4. How to manage the complications?

Slide and Additional Information:

Link: https://reurl.cc/YOrpLX 

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